At 34 seconds into the video below the RIB boat can be seen turning perpendicular to the ship's course then flipping over. I can't tell if the hoisting wire parted or not.
I don't see any sign of a sea painter.
A sea painter is a line that leads from the bow of the boat to the a point on the ship well forward of the boat.

Gibson's Seamanship and Navigation warns to keep the slack out of the sea painter and says about the boat: "if she tows from the whip or the falls she may then broach to."
I caught a few minutes of the show. I wonder how much experience or training the crew has. I going to try to see the whole thing next week.
PS gcaptain forum has some interesting discussion
That is the FIRST thing I said, Where's the seapainter. I spent 4 years as a ships small boat coxswain in the US Coast Guard and the Sea Painter is the First line ON and the last line OFF when comming alongside of departing the ship...
I sent the Sea Shepards a copy from my USCG Blue Jacket Manual on Seamanship and Communications.
I had the same thought, "Where is the Sea Painter" and have they ever practiced this before???
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